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Thanks to our fleet vehicles of special, extremely resistant steel semi-trailers, we can offer a number of special services. We recommend using these vehicles for the transportation of materials that would otherwise damage or destroy standard semi-trailers. We also offer you transportation of waste, ADR materials or metallic and non-metallic goods and other commodities.
Waste Material Transportation
Our special steel Hardox semi-trailers may be utilized for the transportation of different kinds of waste, including dangerous waste.
We own approval certificates for waste transportation in the following countries: Germany and the Netherlands.
ADR Materials Transportation We transport dangerous goods pursuant to the international ADR Treaty (Accord Dangereuses par Route), formally the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.
Transportation of Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metalls Our customers (frequently those who process scrap or foundry metals) often use the steel semi-trailers to transport metallic and non-metallic goods, such as boneyards, metal scraps, engines or aluminium profiles – these can all be easily handled by our Hardox semi-trailers.

Contact us
Phone: +420 475 309 994